BB Balane - BA, Certified Coach Practitioner

My coaching technique is to assist you in zooming past your mental roadblocks and speed toward clarity. Confidently walk in any room knowing your value in business, relationships and life. Shine your light to the world be comfortable just the way you are. Celebrate and feel alive being YOU!

Call or text for a complimentary 30-minute session (905.515.5333).

My Motivational techniques will inspire and challenge you in reaching their goals focusing on tools and resources that will motivate each individual through wellness tips, fitness techniques, nutritional advice, mindfulness talks. We also discuss career endeavours and relationships. We work together to develop a custom motivational action plan that feels just right and obtainable.

I have years of education, experience and training in health, wellness, nutrition and fitness and career planning. My specialty interest has always been optimum health anti-anxiety treatments and how to motivate others. Assisting my clients with optimal vitality personal coaching techniques is joyful to me. Total wellness is the first golden key to getting you back on track. Mind, body and soul.


BOUNCE - BACK - BETTER - Affordable - 65.00 per session - 8 weeks

I am offering a Bounce Back Better (8-week starter).
Weekly or Bi-Weekly  Motivational Package.

We work together to break down and break through for a solid intention and custom design your action plan. 
Then we routinely re-access and progress together every step of the way until you reach your desired goal.
If you would like to chat, call me at 905.515.5333 to discuss your motivational action plan.

Barbara Elizabeth Balane (nickname BB)